An OPFOR second echelon Motorized Rifle Regiment (BMP) is moving West through a recently opened gap. The regiment is traveling in a long column of battalions and the leading reconnaissance elements are just off the East edge of the map. Heavy fighting on the flanks of the gap leaves only a largely unmechanized reserve available for commitment. The reserve is an ad hoc rifle battalion located about ten kilometers West of the gap. The battalion must rapidly displace by helicopter to establish blocking and delaying positions as far forward as possible. There are only enough helicopters to lift about a rifle company at a time. A reinforced tank company is also enroute, but it is presently 30 minutes off the West edge of the map.
US - Block or delay the OPFOR advance. Prevent exit of at least 80 percent of the enemy force across western edge of the map.
OPFOR - Penetrate US defense. Exit at least 20 percent of original force across the Western edge of the map.
US - Rifle Battalion, Tank Company, Mech Infantry Platoon, 9 x UH60 Blackhawk, Helicopter, 5 x AH64 Apache Helicopter
OPFOR - Motorized Rifle Regiment (BMP)
US - 3 x 155mm Howitzer, 4 x F16
Some chance of additional artillery and a good chance of additional air support.
OPFOR - 2 x 152mm Howitzer, 1 x MRL Battalion, 2 x MIG27
Some chance of additional artillery and air support.